99 Achieving your goals even when it’s uncomfortable with Bethany Adkins


About this episode

Let’s be real, it’s human nature to avoid things that feel uncomfortable. But I also know that it’s IN that discomfort that I’ve seen big results. Don’t get me wrong, working towards your goals isn’t always rainbows and butterflies (because if it was, you probably would have hit it already!) and staying in it when sh*t feels hard is often the most challenging piece to getting what you want in life and business. So in today’s episode, we’re going deep on exactly that. We’re talking about alllllll the uncomfortable things, like debt, social media, getting vulnerable in your writing, and more, PLUS the mindset work we’ve done to stick with our desires and see results on the other side so you can too. If you’re someone who is afraid to go after what they REALLY want or has been avoiding the discomfort of taking the path less traveled, this episode is for you.

Show notes

In this episode, we chat about:

  • Getting comfortable being uncomfortable and how this one mindset shift is essential to actually achieving more of your goals in life and business

  • What to do when you don’t know what to do (and why it might actually be more ok than you think!)

  • Delayed gratification and how being alright with it is the key to hitting more of your goals

  • Bethany’s journey with getting out of debt and how talking about it has yielded more results (not less!)

  • What the discomfort of running marathons taught Amanda about running a business and how you can apply this same mindset for more results

  • The value in sharing as you go and how this one shift has allowed Bethany to write her book, step into her purpose, and inspired other millennial women to step into theirs

About Bethany Adkins

Bethany Adkins, a former Pediatric nurse who left the comfort of her job to pursue something she never thought possible, and is now encouraging others to pursue what’s on their hearts as well because it’s there for a reason.

Through posts on her website, conversations on her podcast, and writing her first book, the core of her message is one simple thing: you have a purpose. When she initially decided to write a book, she never thought it would lead to anything. But over time, it has shown her just how tangible dreams can be. All she had to do was step away from the expectations that culture sets (you know, work a good job that equals good pay), prove that she is more than they make her generation out to be (a lazy Millennial, of course) and rise up to pursue the purpose deep inside her.


100 Shifting Stress and Finding Your Peace with Stephannie Weikert


98 Hitting your next big revenue goal with Amanda Joyce Weber