108 How to show up online and generate leads (in far less time than you think) with Amanda Joyce Weber


About this episode

Let me tell you, I used to be a whole hell of a lot more intimidated by the word “marketing” than I care to admit. To me, marketing felt like this thing I didn’t really understand. I used to wonder exactly HOW to show up online in a way that landed paying clients. It felt like a giant puzzle that I couldn’t crack the code on. I know now what was missing (trust me, it makes so much more sense now!) and that’s exactly what I’m so excited to share with you in this episode. The good news is that it isn’t nearly as intimidating as I originally thought. I’m here today to fill you in on the easiest way to stay consistent with your marketing plan so you can make more money in your online business. If you’re someone who feels like you’re at the whim of referrals, seriously stresses over what to post to social media, or is wondering how you’re doing all these different things but STILL not getting leads, today’s episode is exactly what you need to shift your mindset and gain visibility.

Show notes

In this episode, I chat about:

  • The ONE thing that’s making it difficult for people to hire you and how to shift it to generate more leads and close more sales

  • The reason landing clients in your business feels like a moving target and what to do instead so you know exactly what actions to take weekly for more results

  • The main reason visibility looks different for service-based entrepreneurs in the online space (than more traditional brick and mortar) and how to connect with your people in a way that fits your business and your offer

  • What to do when you aren’t feeling inspired to market your business and how to put a stop to the feeling that you’re constantly behind

  • The single best way to build a relationship with your ideal clients and show your expertise before they even pay you a dime

  • Exactly how to create marketing content in less time and with far less stress than ever before

Sincere Sales Call

Ladies, you know I believe in the power of one-on-one coaching. Because the truth is you don't need another freebie. You don't need another course. You don't need another certification. I'm not saying those things don't work—they probably ALL do for the person sharing them. But how many PDFs have to be collecting dust on your desktop for you to decide you're ready to get out of your own way and cultivate the mindset you need to make those results happen for you?! How many strategies are you willing to try before you go all in on what's aligned to what YOU want and how you want to create it (which consequently also yields WAY more results in life and business)? It's time to cultivate the mindset you need to see BIG results with one-on-one mindset and sales coaching. I only have 3 spots left for Future You coaching so if you’re looking to create the thriving life and business you desire, hop on over to my free Sincere Sales coaching call where you can get a taste of what coaching with me is like. Because cultivating the mindset you need to close more sales and see more results isn’t just another “thing” you’ll do once, it’s a way of thinking you’ll use for a lifetime. I only do a limited number of these each week so be sure to grab your spot at amandajoyceweber.com/sinceresales before they’re gone!

About Amanda Joyce Weber

Amanda Joyce Weber is a mindset and sales coach who helps online business owners who are struggling behind the scenes to cultivate the mindset they need to land clients and make money on repeat. Through one-on-one coaching and her signature Sincere Sales method, she takes the “ick” out of selling and demystifies what it takes to make money in biz so her clients can truly thrive. Clients have gone on to reduce their working hours, close higher-paying projects, and have their first $10k month. She is also the host of the podcast, One Simple Shift, that teaches entrepreneurs that their biggest results start with one simple mindset shift. Amanda started her career designing for some of the biggest brand names in New York City before moving out west and starting her own design studio. She spent years honing her process and working with creatives and entrepreneurs that struggled to cultivate the mindset they needed to take the RIGHT actions behind the scenes and ultimately get the big results (despite their absolutely beautiful branding!). Today, she operates her coaching practice in the mountains outside Denver, Colorado. When she’s not supporting clients, she’s going for early morning trail runs, mid-day walks with her puppy, and Friday sushi dates with her man. To connect with Amanda and take the first step toward closing more sales and cultivating the right mindset so you can create more profit and fulfillment, schedule your free Sincere Sales coaching call here.


109 How to talk about what you do and who you help with more ease with Amanda Joyce Weber


107 The #1 thing I see keeping new entrepreneurs stuck with Amanda Joyce Weber