84 The Money Mindset Series: The simple money mindset exercise that changed my life with Amanda Joyce Weber


I just know that today’s episode is going to be an absolute game-changer for so many of you because THIS was the exercise that got me hooked on mindset work. Not only that, this was the thing that turned me from someone who regularly laid awake at night wondering if I really had what it takes to run a business into the woman and business owner I am today. Because I’ll be the first to raise my hand and say that how I felt about money had absolutely nothing to do with the number in my bank account and everything to do with how I was thinking about it. And let’s just say—had I spent nearly as much time marketing, selling, and landing that next client as I did stressing and obsessing over how they hadn’t shown up yet—well, things would have looked very different. So today, I’m letting you in on the money mindset exercise that changed literally everything for me and will for you too.

Show notes

In this episode, I chat about:

  • A super secret surprise I’ve been working on behind the scenes that will change everything about your relationship with money

  • The ONE money mindset exercise that quite literally changed my life (and had me tearing up in this episode!)

  • How I transformed from a business owner who would regularly wake up with 3 am panic attacks about money into someone who believes we live in an infinite and abundant Universe (and you can too!)

  • That time I paid $22 for a burger from a gas station in Iceland and promptly had a meltdown about spending that much (and how to stop having situations like that happen for you!)

  • How to use this money mindset work to shift ev-er-y-thing you ever THOUGHT you needed to be successful and start attracting abundance STAT (even if that feels like complete BS right now!)

Grab your Money Mindset Journal

Ok, ladies, I’m not going to sugarcoat it. YOU NEED THESE JOURNAL PROMPTS. Run, don’t walk, to amandajoyceweber.com/moneyjournal to grab 100 of the most powerful money mindset prompts out there. This value-packed, 35-page workbook has everything you need to totally shift your mindset around money so you can bring in more of it. Because really, TRULY, the income and impact you desire aren’t nearly as far away as you might think, but it does require you to start thinking in a whole new way. You need to start thinking like the Money Manifestation Queen that you are, because I know on a SOUL level you believe that you can have all the abundance you desire and more... You just need a little help getting started. Not only that, but these prompts are accompanied by an absolutely incredible Money Mantra Meditation that is literally the easiest way to implement this mindset work into your busy life to see the biggest results. And since we’re talking money, it’s currently priced at $28 BUT if you purchase with the code ABUNDANT by May 5th you’ll receive $10 off this already outrageously low price. It’s my goal to get this into as many hands as possible and change as many lives and businesses as possible so head over to amandajoyceweber.com/moneyjournal to grab yours!

About Amanda Joyce Weber

Amanda Joyce Weber is a mindset coach who helps creatives and entrepreneurs who are feeling stressed and overwhelmed to take the RIGHT actions to grow their business. Through one-on-one coaching, she helps them to cultivate the mindset they need to create a beautiful, balanced life and a successful, thriving business because she deeply believes you can have BOTH. She is also the host of the mindset podcast, One Simple Shift. Amanda started her career working with some of the biggest brand names in New York City before moving out west and starting her own design studio. She spent years honing her process and working with creatives and entrepreneurs that struggled to cultivate the mindset they needed to take the RIGHT actions behind the scenes, despite their absolutely beautiful branding. Today, she operates her coaching practice in the mountains outside Denver, Colorado. When she’s not supporting clients, she’s going for early morning trail runs, mid-day walks with her puppy, and Friday sushi dates with her man. To connect with Amanda and take the first step toward creating a more profit and fulfillment, schedule your free coaching call here.


85 The Money Mindset Series: The single best mindset practice to lessen your fear around money with Amanda Joyce Weber


83 How setting better boundaries leads to happier clients with Melissa Morris