114 Using your unique human design to leverage business growth with Abigail Holland


About this episode

What if you spent less time doing what you’re “supposed to do” in business and more time focusing on what you’re DESIGNED to do? We answer that question and so much more in today’s episode. We dive into human design—think about it like a combination between astrology and Myers-Briggs that is calculated using your birth date, time, and place, to reveal your genetic design—and how knowing yourself and your energy can help you to leverage business growth. We discuss the importance of understanding how you’re hardwired and how doing so will help you to feel seen and understood in a whole new way. If you’re someone who feels like certain business strategies have just never felt quite right then you’re definitely going to want to tune in as we explore why that might be and how human design can help you shift it.

Show notes

In this episode of the One Simple Shift podcast, we chat about:

  • Conditioning in the online space and what you REALLY need to know to build a business that’s aligned to what you want and how that gets you the biggest results

  • The single most important belief we both share when it comes to building a business that you actually want to work in

  • Human design 101—what that even is and how knowing yourself and your energy can help you to leverage business growth

  • How knowing how you’re uniquely hardwired can help you to choose business strategies that work for you (instead of feeling like you’re pushing through because you HAVE TO do it one particular way)

  • How human design can help you to fully trust yourself to make better business decisions (even if you’ve never heard of it before!)

  • Our own human design strategy types and what this has meant for how we’ve designed our businesses and the type of support we need to feel good


Honestly, this conversation is SO incredibly relevant when it comes to sales as well. Because showing up in your sales process and allowing yourself to be FULLY YOU is only ever going to benefit your bottom line. Chances are, if you’re not closing the sales you want, there’s a good chance that you haven’t found a way to sell that actually feels good. And when you do, not only will you close more of them with more ease, it will feel downright magical too. That’s why I absolutely love helping you ladies shift your mindset around selling on my absolutely free 30-minute, Sincere Sales coaching calls. These calls are so much fun—and you honestly can’t tell me that it’s isn’t worth 30 minutes of your time to get to the root of your biggest mindset challenges when it comes to sales, right!? I thought so. Grab yours today at amandajoyceweber.com/sinceresales because I only do a few of these each week!

About Abigail Holland

Abigail is a business coach for entrepreneurs who want to scale their business in an aligned and authentic way. She empowers entrepreneurs to trust themselves and leverage THEIR unique energies. Through psychology, human design, and ethical marketing, Abigail has helped dozens of entrepreneurs create secure attachments to money, their business, and their purpose. Join Abigail at authenticallyabigail-af8f.mykajabi.com/the-next-big-thing for a 5 day training series to embody your six figure self.


115 How streamlining and organizing may be keeping you stuck with Amanda Joyce Weber


113 The best way to set financial goals in your business with Dondrea Owens