97 Embracing transparency and self-trust in your biz with Lacey Sites


About this episode

I don’t think I’ve shared much of the backstory, but when I got the idea to the sales series and air actual recordings from my sessions with Lacey, I pretty much sprang it on her during a session one day. “Sure, those are yours—you can do whatever you want with them,” she graciously responded. And quite honestly, I was blown away by how easily those words flowed. The truth is, it takes a certain amount of bravery from both client AND coach to let the world in on something you never thought would be public at all (let alone on a podcast). So today, I have the absolute pleasure of having my business mentor and success coach, Lacey Sites, on the show to talk about the mindset that’s made it possible for her to show up more transparently in her business, serve her community on a deeper level, and see more results because of it. If you’re someone who struggles with perfectionism or feeling like you have to have it “all together” in order to be successful, this episode is going to help you to shift that mindset in a big way!

Show notes

In this episode, we chat about:

  • Lacey’s perspective on the sales series, why she hasn’t tuned in (it isn’t what you think!) and the fundamental belief that helps her to feel good about it anyway

  • The exact method Lacey uses to tap into her next big idea (you’re going to want to borrow this!) and the mindset she uses to run with it for more results

  • The one thing that you DON’T need in order to be successful in business and why this has been a game-changer for both of us

  • Doing the thing that scares you and how we’ve both seen more results (not less!) when we’ve leaned into that

  • The filter you can use to attract more dreamy clients your way with far less effort than you might think

  • Lacey’s number one mindset hack to stop obsessing over the little things in your biz so you can free up that valuable time and mental energy

About Lacey Sites

Lacey Sites is a business mentor and success coach for high-performing women entrepreneurs. She has her M.S in mental health counseling and her M.B.A. She's worked as a therapist and the director of large non-profit. She's also the proud owner of two successful online businesses, and the co-host of the Happy Thoughts Show. Having grown her own business to the multi-six figure mark in less than 16 months, Lacey has made it her mission to help other women build and grow their own service-based business that truly lights them up and gives them the personal and financial freedom as well as the impact they’ve always desired.


98 Hitting your next big revenue goal with Amanda Joyce Weber


96 The Sales Series 5: Making the Sale (the real behind the scenes with Amanda Joyce Weber + Coaching by Lacey Sites)