The top 5 reasons you aren’t booking consistent clients (and how to shift them ASAP!) ✨
When I first started my design business, I felt like I was at the whim of everyone else. Sure, I had landed a few projects here or there through referrals, but it never felt sustainable. I’d lay awake at night mentally tallying how long I’d be able to keep myself afloat without another client.
3 ways to boost your mindset (and your results!) when you feel like nothing's working 💖
At some point or another, we’ve all been there. The point in business when it feels like “nothing is working.” You’ve got a strategy, you’re taking action, you’re posting to social media, you’re getting a comment here or there… and yet, it feels like the results you REALLY want are so far away.
How I support my clients in moving forward faster and hitting their best income months✨
It dawned on me recently that I’m basically the “Target” of business coaches. 🎯 Now hang with me for a second here because this analogy totally works. It’s no secret that I love shopping at Target on the regular. I can definitely afford to shop elsewhere and yet, I derive a TON of joy from the experience. I’m serious, my husband refuses to go with me anymore because we’re there for too long. 😂 I’m not sure there’s anywhere else that has an experience quite like it. I mean, that price point, that design, that level of curation… is all that makes it what it is. And the thing is, I don’t have to be anyone other than myself to enjoy Target… I can go in my sweaty workout clothes and feel right at home. It’s attainable and approachable—part of the reason it feels special. And the same is true in my business.
Becoming your own best cheerleader so you can hit your next level income goal
Comparisonitis can run DEEP this time of year. One post from a friend hitting those big number goals that seem so far away for you... An infinite scroll of people doing exactly what it is that you’ve been thinking about doing for years... Seeing someone reach a massive amount of success really quickly, only to wonder what it is that they know and you don’t... Reading the wrong words at the wrong time and causing you to question if you really have what it takes to make this business of yours work... I hear it ALL. THE. TIME. on my coaching calls.
My worst sales call ever (and what I learned that will help you get “hell yes” clients on repeat!)
Don’t get me wrong, I’ve had some really strange sales calls over the years. But hey, it makes great content, so I’m not exactly mad about it. 😜 I distinctly remember one in particular where the lead was baking cookies during the zoom call, so she didn’t turn on her camera until halfway through. Yes, really. I can’t make this up. I thought perhaps that would be the turning point in the call, we’d be able to gain some traction… Whelp, I thought wrong.
Gain Visibility and Generate More Leads with These 5 Social Media Posts
One of the first courses I purchased in my online business was an Instagram course that was designed to help you generate more leads. I distinctly remember one of the first modules we were given... “Give your audience more tips and tricks.” What the what!? I remember thinking.
Selling is actually super simple (here's how to make it work for you!)
Selling is actually really simple. I know, I know. Hearing that makes you want to roll your eyes HARD. Like really. The same way you do when your friend Jessica just tells you she “just has a really fast metabolism” while popping that chili cheese fry in her mouth.
How to reframe the thoughts holding you back so you can hit your next income goal
Comparisonitis can run DEEP this time of year. One post from a friend hitting those big number goals that seem so far away for you... An infinite scroll of people doing exactly what it is that you’ve been thinking about doing for years... Seeing someone reach a massive amount of success really quickly, only to wonder what it is that they know and you don’t... Reading the wrong words at the wrong time and causing you to question if you really have what it takes to make this business of yours work... I hear it ALL. THE. TIME. on my coaching calls.
Crafting Your Core Message to Attract and Convert Dream Clients
Lately my Future You clients have been having some serious breakthroughs… And not only have their businesses taken huge leaps forward, but their lives look so much different now too. They’re basically different people. All because they did the mindset work necessary to think different, be different, and see different results. I had a client tell me, “I feel like I haven’t really done that much this week. It’s all been up here,” she said as she pointed to her head.
Steal these 5 sales strategies so you can land your first or next client 💥
“I just don’t know HOW to actually get clients.” “I feel like I’m at the whim of referrals.” “I want to get to a point where I don’t have to worry about where the next client is coming from.” “It feels like my business is always in feast or famine.” Oof. I’ve been there. In fact, these are some of the most common things I hear on my free Sincere Sales coaching calls. Lucky for you, I’m also amazing at helping you shift those thoughts so you can start feeling more connected to generating leads and start closing sales in a way that actually feels good.
Upgrade your money mindset to sell in a way that feels good and converts better
When I first started pivoting from design to coaching, I was downright terrified about money. I knew that THIS was the work that I was meant to be doing in the world. I was scared that I’d never be able to get enough clients to make it work. I was scared to pivot away from the five-figure design projects in search of something more fulfilling. I was once again scared of leaving something that felt safe in pursuit of the unknown.
3 ways to create more compelling content that actually converts
If you aren’t getting the kind of inquiries you want in your biz, there’s a good chance you aren’t getting SPECIFIC enough in your marketing content. Cue crickets. I know this can be a difficult concept to wrap your mind around so here’s what I mean...There’s a kid in our neighborhood that does odd jobs. He’s a high school student and he’s been posting about it pretty regularly on Next Door (which is like the neighborhood version of Facebook). Props to him for getting visible and putting himself out there, because we all know how essential that is to running a successful and sustainable business, let alone just making some extra money on the side.
The mindset I'm bringing to 2021 ✨ (PART 2)
A little over a year ago, I wrote myself a “manifestation check” for the amount of money I was ready to receive in my business. You can trust that I’m being 100% honest when I say that at the time, it felt SO. FAR. AWAY. I couldn’t see how it was ever going to happen for me (spoiler alert: it did—but keep reading to find out how). It felt like an immense amount of work and clients from where I was then to where I wanted to be. (Maybe you’re there now?) And yet, I knew that those were the exact thoughts that were standing in my way from actually making it happen.
My biggest takeaways from 2020 (PART 1) ✨
As I write this, I’m sitting with my laptop, a cup of coffee in hand, cozied up under a warm down comforter. I look out my bedroom window at the rich grey clouds that can only mean one thing—snow is on the way. It’s no secret that I’m a huge fan of snow. Anything can happen on a snow day. There’s a voice in the back of my head that makes it feel like I might be getting away with something. You know, the very same one that says, “work is supposed to be hard” and “it can’t possibly be this easy.” As if I’m breaking some sort of “rule” by actually enjoying the process of writing and connecting with you today at someplace other than my desk.
The most impactful mindset work you can do in 10-15 minutes a day (yes, really!)
Mindset work used to feel vague and fluffy to me. There I said it. Maybe you’re there now? I just didn’t understand what it actually WAS and how it was going to move me closer to the business results that I wanted. In fact, when clients start with me they reiterate this very same thing—that they feel like the mindset work takes away from the practical actions they could be doing to move their business forward. And yet, what I’ve found to be true (and what they later find to be true, too!) is that it’s the work that makes ALL the difference.
How I landed consistent clients and had my best year in biz (and how you can too!)
The better it gets, the better it gets. 🎉 I saw someone post these exact words in a Facebook group the other day and I had a kind of full body, HELL YES, reaction to it. In a way that even surprised MYSELF. Because if you had told me three years ago I’d be exactly where I am now… … not only in my life … but in my coaching biz, too! Well, I would have thought you were off your rocker.
The top 5 reasons you aren’t booking consistent clients (and how to shift them ASAP!)
When I first started my design business, I felt like I was at the whim of everyone else. Sure, I had landed a few projects here or there though referrals, but it never felt sustainable. I’d lay awake at night mentally tallying how long I’d be able to keep myself afloat without another client. Surely, I’d land something in the next six months before the well ran dry, I’d think to myself.
3 ways to boost your mindset (and your results!) when you feel like nothing's working
At some point or another, we’ve all been there. The point in business when it feels like “nothing is working.” You’ve got a strategy, you’re taking action, you’re posting to social media, you’re getting a comment here or there… and yet, it feels like the results you REALLY want are so far away.
TIME IS RUNNING OUT! Apply to work with me on a full scholarship! ✨
So there I was straight out a lavender epsom salt bath, curled up with a good book, sipping rosé champagne in bed, on my puffy white down comforter... And I thought to myself, “DAMN. I don’t know if it gets any better than this.” I was celebrating hitting yet another milestone in my coaching business and I’ve found that one of the best ways for me to really live into the abundance that I’ve created is to give myself that SPACE to really relax and enjoy ALL that I’ve created.
The truth about cultivating a mindset that leads to sustainable growth (my interview with The Slow Entrepreneur!)
“As an entrepreneur, you’ve probably been bombarded by messages telling you to work around the clock, stay busy, build it big, build it fast, do it all. And so, you do. Along the way, you may have chosen to sacrifice vital aspects of yourself — like mental + physical health, relationships, leisure, you name it — in order to get sh*t done. — Sarah Magidoff, Founder of The Slow Entrepreneur